Daisuke Takakura
Daisuke Takakura 高倉大輔
Born in 1980.Lives and works in Tokyo. A member of TEZUKAYAMA GALLERY.
2019 “clerestory”@TEZUKAYAMA GALLERY,Osaka
2018 “fotofever”@Carrousel du Louvre,Paris
2017 “fotofever”@Carrousel du Louvre,Paris
2016 “monodramatic / loose polyhedron”@TEZUKAYAMA GALLERY,Osaka
Main Group Exhibitions, Art Fairs
2018 ”ART CENTRAL” @ Central Harborfront,Hong Kong
2015 Dec. “BRAVE NEW WORLD”@DOX,Prague
2015 Nov. “fotofever”@Carrousel du Louvre,Paris
Awards, other
2020 “Critical mass 50”
2018 “Review Santa fe”
2015 “fotofever” main visual
2015 “Young Portfolio 2015” (selected by Eiko Hosoe,Daido Moriyama,Keizo Kitajima / Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts)
2014 “LensCuture Visual Storytelling Awards 2014 finalist”
We all have different manifolds and possibilities.
However, the “I” that is here at this moment is just one “I” that has been chosen by “myselves” from these various possibilities. Even at this moment, unchosen selves are falling out of my life. I am the person I am today, after a dialogue with myselves.
That is the image I have in my mind.
I used to be involved in theater.
The actors use their imaginations and bodies, lending and borrowing strength from the staff and other performers, to create a life on stage that is different from their own under the stage, and to make a world different from the real world rise up.
By taking advantage of the perspectives and thoughts that I have gained through my involvement in theater, I hope that I will be able to touch upon the many possibilities and invisible stories that people have, and to think about the richness of the human imagination, by establishing in the image of myself those who are overlooked.
With these thoughts at the core of my work, I would like to continue to explore honest expression while somehow believing in my own potential at the time.
My representative series is “monodramatic,” which expresses the multifacetedness, potential, and imagination of a person using a monologue as a motif, and my other series is “loose polyhedron,” which depicts human emotions in a typological way based on an “emotional balance chart. The other series is “loose polyhedron,” a typological depiction of human emotions based on a “balance chart of emotions,” “loop pieta,” inspired by her own marriage and using Michelangelo’s Pieta as a motif, and “vein,” which originated from the artist’s introspective feelings. He is currently working on a zine project called “WENDY&JACK” with his wife, a painter and illustrator, as well as creating works using sampling and 3D scanning.
2019 「clerestory」| TEZUKAYAMA GALLERY
2018 fotofever | Carrousel du Louvre パリ
2017 fotofever | Carrousel du Louvre パリ
2016 「monodramatic / loose polyhedron」| TEZUKAYAMA GALLERY
<主なグループ展, アートフェア>
2018 ART CENTRAL 2018 | Central Harbourfront 香港 2015 fotofever | Carrousel du Louvre パリ
2015 Brave New World | DOX プラハ
2020 “Critical mass 50”選出
2018 “Review Santa fe”選出
2015 “fotofever” メインビジュアル
2015 “Young Portfolio 2015” (細江英公氏、森山大道氏、北島敬三 氏による選出/ 清里アートフォトミュージアム)
2014 “LensCuture Visual Storytelling Awards 2014 finalist”
代表シリーズとして、一人芝居をモチーフとし人の多面性や可能性、想像力を表現する”monodramatic”、他シリーズとして「感情のバランスチャート」を基に人の感情をタイポロジー的に描く”loose polyhedron”、自らの結婚から着想を得、ミケランジェロのピエタをモチーフに円環する血脈を描く”loop pieta”、そこから派生した作家の内省的感情を発端とした”vein”などがある。現在はサンプリングや3Dス キャンを使用した作品の制作や、画家・イラストレーターの妻と制作す