Q: What is NFT?
A: Abbreviation for “Non-Fungible Token”. “Non-fungible token” in Japanese.
A unique token that cannot be duplicated, deleted, or tampered with using blockchain technology. By linking NFTs and digital data, it is a technology that can give uniqueness and uniqueness to digital contents and identify the owner of the contents.
A:「Non-Fungible Token」の略。日本語では「非代替性トークン」。
Q: What is NFT art?
A: Various digital works and art contents such as images, audio, video data, game items, etc. are linked to NFT.
Q: What are the benefits of purchasing NFT artwork?
A: Due to the nature of digital data, it is easy to make exactly the same copy. However, by connecting NFT and digital content, uniqueness and uniqueness can be added, and the purchaser of “NFT Art” can easily prove that “the owner of this content is himself”. In addition, the “NFT Art” sold and sold on this service allows only the NFT issuer and the current owner to download the original data of the work, and copying of the data is suppressed.
Q: How can I make NFT art?
A: NFT works sold on this site will be distributed as “NFT Art” with the blockchain certificate “Cert.” Provided by Startburn. Cert. Is a blockchain certificate provided by Startbahn Cert. (Operated by Startbahn, Inc.).
A:本サイトで売買されるNFT作品は、スタートバーンが提供するブロックチェーン証明書「Cert.」が発行され「NFTアート」として流通します。Cert.は、Startbahn Cert.(運営:スタートバーン株式会社)から提供されるブロックチェーン証明書です。
Q: Please tell me the “chain information” of NFT works?
A: The NFT works we handle use “polygon chains”.
Q: How can I view the purchased NFTwork?
A: NFT works purchased on this site are converted to NFT using the affiliated service “Startbahn Cert.” Shortly after the purchase, the purchaser will receive an email from Startbahn Cert. Requesting to register an account to receive the Cert. (NFT Art). If you complete account registration and login from that email, you will be able to view the purchased NFTwork.
A:本サイトで購入されたNFT作品は、提携サービス「Startbahn Cert.」を利用してNFT化されております。購入者には、購入後しばらくして、Startbahn Cert.からCert.(NFTアート)受け取りのためのアカウント登録のお願いのメールが送られます。そのメールからアカウント登録・ログインを完了いただくと、ご購入頂いた作品(NFT)を閲覧いただけます。
Q: Is the work genuine?
A: NFT art of “SHOOTING” contracts directly with the artist and deals only with “primary” works sold to purchasers.
Q: Can I resell the purchased NFT work?
A: The purchaser has the right to own the work, so it is possible to sell it as a “secondary” to others. In that case, please also handle the transfer procedure of Cert.
Q: Can I trade with virtual currencies such as Bit Coin?
A: It cannot be sold in virtual currency.
This site only allows transactions in “legal tender” through the payment system (STORES).
Q:Bit Coinなどの仮想通貨で取引はできますか?
Q: I would like to sell (sell) my work on an NFT marketplace such as “Open Sea” after purchase.
A: Currently, you cannot sell your purchased NFT art on other NFT marketplaces, including “Open Sea”. We are considering the specifications to see if it can be sold compatible with other marketplaces, so we will inform you on this site as soon as the implementation is completed.
A:現在「OpenSea」を含め、他のNFTマーケット プレイスでは、ご購入頂いたNFTアートをご出品頂くことはできません。他のマーケット プレイスで互換性を持って販売いただけるか仕様を検討中のため、実装完了が出来しだい、本サイト上でお知らせいたします。
Q: I want to print and decorate, what should I do?
A: You can order from the inkjet makers “Pictorico” and “Pictorico Print Studio”.
In that case, the editorial department of “SHOOTING” will accept consultations and orders.
A:インクジェットメーカー「ピクトリコ」及び「ピクトリコ プリント工房」でオーダー可能です。その場合「SHOOTING」編集部でご相談やオーダーを受け付けます。
Q: How much does the print cost?
A: It depends on the type and size of the paper, so we will quote it separately.
Q: Can I output (print) from the purchased NFT data by myself?
A: NFT data can be downloaded from the owner’s Cert. Account screen.
It is not illegal to print out by yourself, but please contact us as much as possible. We will select the paper and size that the artist wants, and deliver the print with the color that the artist himself is satisfied with.
Matte processing, framed, etc. are also available.